Terms and


The Company can be contacted at :
Trading Address and Registered Office
HD Kemsley Ltd
Play Cafe
161 Union Street
Telephone: 01803 431363
Company Number: 11456875

Purchasing tickets online is an acceptance of Play Cafes Terms, Conditions and Rules of Play. We reserve the right to ask guests to leave before the end of their session if they do not observe and adhere to the rules.

We reserve the right to cancel or change any play session with less than 20 visitors booked.

Tickets purchased online are only valid for the day and session for which they are purchased.
Tickets are non-refundable, they cannot be changed or transferred as stated at time of booking.
All persons included in your online ticket booking must enter Play Cafe at the same time.

There is no adult only entry to Play Cafe
There is no child only entry to Play Cafe

All sessions are 2 hours (weekend) 2.5 hours (weekday) in duration from the start time stated on your booking, not the time of entry to the centre. You are welcome to arrive at any time during your booked session, however, we cannot extend your session to allow for any missed time.

Teen Ticket charges will apply to all young persons entering Play Cafe over the maximum height restriction. (148cm) Young persons over this height restriction are not permitted to play on the equipment.
At all times, children are the responsibility of their supervising adult. Play Cafe Torquay does not provide services of supervision to children using the centre.

Please do not enter Play Cafe if you or a member of your family is or has been unwell 48 hours prior.
Play Cafe team members are present to monitor and ensure the correct use of the Play equipment, access first aid facilities and implement the centre rules.

Socks must be worn at all times

Only food and drink purchased at the Play Cafe may be consumed on the premises.
No food or drinks may be taken into or consumed on the play equipment.

Smoking (including e-cigarettes) is strictly prohibited within the building at all times. Smoke alarm sensors operate throughout the centre. Please do not leave your child unattended at any time during your visit to step outside to smoke.

Our play equipment is designed for use by children aged 0 – 10 years.
Children of the correct ages are to use the correct areas. Adults are allowed on to the play frame to supervise and monitor their children only.

Children should be dressed appropriately to enjoy their time at the centre. For their safety, arms and legs should be covered. Socks must be worn at all times. No shoes are permitted on the play equipment. Jewellery, badges, loose belts, ties, hoods and capes should be removed before using entering the play frame.

Use of foul and abusive language is prohibited.
Threatening or intimidating behaviour towards any of our team or other customers will not be tolerated and will be reported to the police.

Anyone deemed to be under the influence of intoxicating beverages or illegal substances will be refused entry to the centre and may be reported to the police/local services.

The company does not accept responsibility for lost or damaged possessions
All children and adults participate at their own risk. The company does not accept liability for loss or injury of whatever nature, caused through misuses of the equipment, lack of parental supervision or failure to comply with the centre rules.

The company reserves all rights to admission / refusal of admission.
The company reserves the rights to alter times, offers, events and prices without prior notification.